
Shakti comes with base augmentation props that can be applied to all components in the library. The props include basic functionality, such as margin, padding, and coloring. They are designed to facilitate rapid prototyping and development.


Control the displayed state of an element.

shownbooleanshow element (display block)
hiddenbooleanhide element (display none)


Set the dimensions (width and height) of an element. Pixels are used as the unit if a number is specified. If a string is specified, it is assumed that a unit (e.g. vh) is passed in.

minWidthnumber or stringminimum width
widthnumber or stringwidth
maxWidthnumber or stringmaximum width
minHeightnumber or stringminimum height
heightnumber or stringheight
maxHeightnumber or stringmaximum height


Modify the margin of an element. Pixels are used as the unit if a number is specified. If a string is specified, it is assumed that a unit (e.g. em) is passed in.

📌 Note: the shorthand properties in parentheses can also be used.

margin (m)number or stringmargin (all cardinal directions)
marginX (mx)number or stringmargin along x-axis
marginY (my)number or stringmargin along y-axis
marginTop (mt)number or stringtop margin
marginRight (mr)number or stringright margin
marginBottom (mb)number or stringbottom margin
marginLeft (ml)number or stringleft margin


Modify the padding of an element. Pixels are used as the unit if a number is specified. If a string is specified, it is assumed that a unit (e.g. em) is passed in.

📌 Note: the shorthand properties in parentheses can also be used.

padding (p)number or stringpadding (all cardinal directions)
paddingX (px)number or stringpadding along x-axis
paddingY (py)number or stringpadding along y-axis
paddingTop (pt)number or stringtop padding
paddingRight (pr)number or stringright padding
paddingBottom (pb)number or stringbottom padding
paddingLeft (pl)number or stringleft padding

Text Alignment

Align the text within an element.

textStartbooleanalign text to start
textEndbooleanalign text to end
textLeftbooleanalign text to left
textCenterbooleanalign text to center
textRightbooleanalign text to right
textJustifybooleanjustify text


Modify the base colors of an element.

bgColorstringbackground color


Add and customize a border for an element. If a number is passed into a prop that accepts a number, pixels are used as the unit.

borderstringfull border specification
borderWidthnumber or stringborder width
borderStylestringborder style
borderColorstringborder color
borderRadiusnumber or stringborder radius
borderTopnumber or stringtop border
borderRightnumber or stringright border
borderBottomnumber or stringbottom border
borderLeftnumber or stringleft border


Add a shadow to an element.

boxShadowstringbox shadow
textShadowstringtext shadow